The Ultimate Film Actors Camp is a TWO SEGMENT program. It's a LAUNCHING PAD into the Los Angeles (or the actor's local) film industry. The international group of young actors is immersed in two segments of the most beneficial lessons available. Actors are are nurtured, honored, and celebrated for their distinctive needs and goals. We welcome ALL skill levels!
Search high and low for another program anywhere in the world that provides the same well-rounded education. If you find one, you may attend any camp on our site at NO CHARGE.
THE DECEMBER THROUGH MAY ONLINE SEGMENT OF CAMP (Optional. There is no additional charge and campers may begin at anytime.)
This interactive Skype segment of camp is included in your tuition. CLICK HERE TO REVIEW THE PRE-CAMP LESSONS. When participants take part in these optional lessons, they are much better prepared for intensive classes and meetings with industry executives. They will meet YAC teachers and campmates prior to their arrival. Pre-camp activities are NOT required but are highly recommended. It is not too late! REGISTER TODAY.
Actors arrive from all over the world to a transformed Los Angeles-based college campus. The Actors Campus is a place where you'll find assembled the Hollywood film industry's most notable executives, actors, and companies. Rising film actors work in masterfully defined and exceptionally unique activities for artistic exploration and professional advancement in media. The following are just a few highlights…